Preschool Outdoor Environment Newsletter 02.02.2020

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This week in Outdoor Environment we worked on nature art for our Atlantis fundraiser, explored the new instruments in our sound garden, and enjoyed the nice temperatures with some play and experimentation  in our water flow table.


We have been taking care of Pepper, Skipper, and Otis every day. We check their water level, make sure their food bowl is filled and dry, and peek in to look for any eggs. Sometimes Skipper will meet us at the door if she thinks we have food for her!


We have been tending to our garden by weeding and raking. A few new seedlings have been planted and we are all excited for a spring harvest in a few months. Additionally, our new compost tumbler is set up! Big thanks to our parent volunteer Ms. Baize for taking on that challenging task. We will now have two ways to recycle our food scraps into garden treasure, as we continue to compost with worms and start up this tumbler as well.

We are looking for volunteers to help on 2/15 with some Atlantis fundraiser tasks. Please see our sign up genius for more details. We would love to see you there! Our fundraiser this year will help support two new Montessori classrooms next year, as well as the continuation of our Outdoor Environment program.

-Ms. Hubbard